Name One State That Borders Mexico

Name one state that borders Mexico.

Several states in the United States share a border with Mexico. Here are the states that border Mexico:

  • California: The state of California shares a border with Mexico along its southernmost region. The border stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the southeastern corner of California.
  • Arizona: Arizona shares a border with Mexico along its southern region. The border between Arizona and Mexico runs for several hundred miles.
  • New Mexico: New Mexico also shares a border with Mexico along its southern region. The border between New Mexico and Mexico extends for a significant distance.
  • Texas: Texas shares the longest border with Mexico among all the U.S. states. The border stretches for approximately 1,254 miles, running along the southernmost part of Texas.

These states have diverse landscapes and cultural ties with Mexico due to their proximity and shared border. The border regions have unique characteristics, including cross-border trade, migration, and cultural exchange.